About Ballet

Liaoning Ballet, founded in 1980, is one of the famous ballet troupes in China.

While insisting on introducing and rehearsing world classical ballet works, we are committed to creating ballet works with Chinese characteristics, and have made remarkable achievements in exploring the path of establishing a Chinese school of ballet art.

Since its establishment, the troupe has rehearsed 16 world classic ballets, including Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Fairy, Pirate, Don Quixote, and has the exclusive copyright of many works in China. Among them, Spartak, Romeo and Juliet, jointly produced and performed with international ballet magnate Grigorovich, set a precedent in China and filled the gap in the history of Chinese ballet. While performing classical works, we actively cooperated with international masters to create a "new classic", jointly compiled a new version of the ballet Swan Lake with the century dancer Malakhov, and cooperated with the Portuguese director to create modern ballet dance poems "Butterflies" and "Songs without Words". At the same time, 17 original Chinese ballet dramas, including "Two Springs Reflect the Moon" and "The Last Emperor", have been created and released, accumulating original works of historic, artistic and popular appeal for the development of Chinese ballet art. These include the original Chinese ballet "Eight Women Throwing into the River", which reflects the spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese Federation, the original Chinese ballet "Mulan", which describes the national model of "filial piety, loyalty and faithfulness", and the original ballet "Iron Man", which focuses on the "Iron Man Spirit" and describes the family and country feelings of a generation of oil workers. The original works have won many national awards, such as the Wenhua Award and the "Five One Project" Excellent Works Award of the Central Propaganda Department.

In recent years, it has been active on the world stage as a cultural envoy, with international tours covering five continents. Many works have been selected as key projects of the Publicity Department's "Going Global with Culture", China's service demonstration cases, and key cultural export projects of the Ministry of Commerce.

The Ballet School affiliated to Liaoning Ballet Dance Troupe was established in 1994, with nearly 500 students. It is the largest professional ballet talent training base in the world at present, and has sent a large number of ballet art talents at home and abroad. More than 100 outstanding graduates are distributed in major ballet troupes in Asia, Europe, America and China. More than 98% of the current cast members of Liaoning Ballet Dance Troupe are from this school. Over the years, the actors and students of the Youth League School have won more than 170 silver medals and above in the world's major ballet competitions, known as the "Dream Factory of Champions".

Liaoning Ballet Youth Ballet, founded in 2018, is the first professional youth ballet troupe in China. With Liaoning Ballet as the background, relying on the affiliated dance school, the dance troupe provides a platform for the future generation of Chinese ballet to exercise, display and progress in the way of "learning and acting together". Now it has independently performed many large-scale stage works such as Four Seasons and Nutcracker.

Liaoning Ballet has always focused on maintaining the development momentum and stimulating the vitality of the troupe, constantly innovating the mechanism, deepening the reform, and facing various challenges brought about by development with the attitude of openness, communication and integration.


Liaoning Ballet
Address:Building D, Liaoning Art Center, No. 223 Xinyunhe Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City
Postal code:110167
mobile phone:13098281822
COPYRIGHT (©) 2022 China Liaoning Ballet
LiaoICP No. 19019140-1


Liaoning Ballet
Address:Building D, Liaoning Art Center, No. 223 Xinyunhe Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City
Postal code:+86-024-86914150
mobile phone:13098281822
COPYRIGHT (©) 2022 China Liaoning Ballet LiaoICP No. 19019140-1